Monday, January 11, 2010

Um, from start to almost finish

Going into the Fiestas de la Calle, there is already plenty of rumor floating around. Rumor has it that the city of San Juan is going to instate for the first time ever, a curfew on the street festivals. Nobody really knows what that means, if it means stores have to close at a certain hour, or just restaurants serving alcohol, or if everyone has to be off the streets by a certain time. It will be interesting to see how the crowd reacts. I've also been given a tentative invite to a paranda on friday night, so I'm pretty excited about it. It's the one traditional Christmas event in Puerto Rico that I still have not been able to go to.

After so much trial and error, I am finally pretty confident with my panasonic camera, it needs less external lighting then I initially thought, and nothing says guerilla video like a non-tripod or monopod'ed shot. Who knows what might happen for the street festivals. Running shots?

My british camera guy has left today, and the continental U.S. one is arriving tomorrow. It makes a huge difference having someone to share the load. Both in equipment, and brave adventure :) So thank you London kid! Hola Americano!

There are so many things happening back home that I am beginning to take care of now, that its kinda nice having the distance. But I'm looking forward to seeing folks and getting started on other projects.

However I do need to tell you all. It's sunny and 86 degrees here right now. Hugs!

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