Thursday, January 7, 2010

A day that folklore dreams are made of....

I wake up and Juan is running late. The Maori chant of "I live! I live! I die! I die!" is in my head because I've convinced myself that if this day does not happen I will not have a wonderful film and I will be a total failure. I am asking myself if I want to live, really live, and learn to roll with the punches, or just lay down and wait to die,,never taking chances, and living a boring life. As I am having this mini psycho-drama in my head, Juan comes and we pack up the car and head to Mayaguez.

First stop, Cocolai's house. He happens to be one of the oldest living pleneros at 83 years old. Not only do I get a more extensive interview with Juan, I also get one with a professor who is an expert in Puertorican folklore music and most important, I meet Cocolai.

Cocolai is 83 and still remembers a lot of plena songs. He plays the panderetta like he's 23 and jokes around in a way that would put top comedians to shame. He plays practical jokes, and makes fun of everyone's accents. I adore him from the start.

I honestly feel blessed and honored that I was able to film this musician in his home, playing music with his friends. I only hope, that other people can appreciate him as well.

I left Coco's house to go eat some of the best seafood in my life. Then we headed back to San Juan. I feel relieved and lucky and blessed. I have such amazing footage! And I'm so excited to start cutting and pasting. Now just heading to Las Fiestas de la Calle.

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